irst published in the German
magazine: news-age, 1/2009 (S. 71)
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„Letter from Home“
Superluminal Tachyon Energy and the Exploration
of Reality
Ulrich Arndt
Nr. 1 can truly call themselves pioneers in Tachyon research,
as they have been investigating Tachyon energy from as early
as the 1990s. Initially the founders, Martina Bochnik and Tommy
Thomsen, were primarily concerned with researching the mystery
of Tachyon energy. At a later stage, they also began to develop
products. After Tommy Thomsen’s sudden death in mid 2008,
workshop leader and author Martina Bochnik now returns to Tachyon
energy with a renewed interest.
“ We increasingly accept that everything is interconnected”, she
explains during our conversation. “Spiritual traditions have always known
this, and it is now born out by quantum physics. In particle physics Tachyons
are being discussed, and it seems as if researchers, and maybe humankind, were
ready to glimpse behind the veil that is the speed of light.”
Tachyon energy now seems to become increasingly important, according
to Bochnik: “Thanks to its unusual properties, Tachyon energy can
make us aware of how we perceive and shape reality. We have all been
asking ourselves at some point: Why do I always find myself in similar
situations? Why am I not happy? Why do I feel lonely? What is the purpose
of my life? Questions like these touch on our Self, our dreams and our
conditioning. Tachyon energy reminds us that we can answer these questions.”
To make this interactive energy accessible, Galaxy Nr. 1 has been manufacturing
products since 1996, which from 11.11.2008 will be referred to by the
new name of “Terra Tachyon products”: “I am interested
in the practical application of this energy form on Earth. We are here
in our bodies to develop, to learn and to express our spiritual heritage
in and by means of our bodies. Simple and practical use of this energy
in connection with the opportunity to delve more and more deeply into
the mystery of our true Being – this has always been my concern”,
Martina Bochnik explains.
The new seminar series beginning in 2009 is entitled “Letter from
Home”. “The ‘letter from the place we originally came
from’ reminds us of something we often forget in day-to-day life”,
Bochnik explains. “We are energy beings who have created something
for ourselves that we call reality. We may look at reality from a scientific
or a spiritual point of view. We can and should, however, try to bring
science and spirituality back together, as they are being kept apart
artificially. The letter from Home also reminds us that our soul is not
limited by the speed of light, and that there is much to be explored
both externally and internally. It also reminds us that we are curious
beings who enjoy learning and having new experiences, and that we can
use Tachyons to consciously shape and perceive our reality.”
Further information:
details of the new Terra Tachyon products and the world-wide
seminars and activities by Martina Bochnik look up our new
web-site at www.terratachyon.com or
contact the German Centre for Terra Tachyon products, tel.:
0049 9547 92 15 91. |