published in the magazine "Paracelsus",
5/VI 2009 (page 48-51)
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Español |
The Mushroom of Immortality
In China, the Ling-Zhi mushroom has been known
for its highly curative and vitalizing effect for many hundreds
of years. Now scientific research confirms its extraordinary healing
properties for cardiac diseases and cancer.
by Ulrich Arndt and Frank-Daniel Schulten
glacier man Ötzi knew it: some mushrooms are not only appropriate
for food. They also have amazing healing effects. In fact, research
has shown that prehistoric Alpine residents suffered from whipworms
during their lifetimes, which can cause diarrhea and hefty stomachaches.
Meanwhile scientists agree that “Ötzi” used
the mushrooms that were found besides his mummy – the so-called
ruinous polyspore –to fight these parasites.
The healing forces of mushrooms were already known in the Middle
Ages. The holy Hildegard von Bingen wrote, for example:
Mushrooms that grow on living and cut down trees are quite appropriate
for a diet and, now and then, also as a medicine. Those from
the walnut tree help with worms; those from the birch tree help
with a cold and a stomach with too much phlegm; those from the
willow help with lung and spleen problems as well as with the
veil in front of the eyes; those from the pear tree are suitable
for scab.
Unlike in Asia, the use of healing mushrooms (except in form
of penicillin) is not really established here in Germany. In
Asia, since living memory, various mushrooms with different medical
effects have been used very successfully. The most significant
one among them is the so-called Ling-Zhi or Reishi (Ganoderma
lucidum, lingzhi), which has been considered to be one of the
most important remedies in Asia for nearly 4,000 years. Modern
medical tests in Japan, Korea, the United States and China confirmed
its amazing healing effect. For example, the mushroom brought
relief from cardiac arrhythmia to 60 percent of the patients
tested, relieved cardiovascular diseases in 84 percent and headaches
in 86 percent when only a few grams daily were taken for several
weeks. One gram daily is already sufficient to significantly
strengthen the immune system. Ling-Zhi detoxifies the body, helps
in case of allergies, asthma and skin diseases, and alleviates
liver problems, inflammation of the joints and disturbances of
Cancer Prevention
Experiments with cell cultures – as for example conducted
at the Institute for Microbiology and Biochemistry of Sklowodowska
University in Warsaw, Poland – have also proven to be effective
with harmful viruses and bacteria such as smallpox virus and streptococci
(causing scarlet, meningitis and cardiac diseases). For Dr. Fukumi
Morishige from the famous Linus Pauling Institute for Science and
Medicine in Big Sur, California, the intake of Ling-Zhi is even “the
best method to prevent cancerous diseases.”
Sowerby´s Coloured Figures of English Fungi, 1797
tests have shown, certain polysaccharides in the mushroom (long-chained
carbohydrates, so-called Beta-D-Glucans), among other things, inhibit
the growth of tumors (see box). The Center of National Federation
of Studies in Cancer Development in the United States and the Medical
Department of the National Universities in the USA therefore attested
Ling-Zhi a healing effect on cancer.
In Japan, this mushroom was already officially registered for the
treatment of stomach cancer. Products containing Ling-Zhi are used
in Japanese hospitals in the follow-up treatment of cancer patients.
Such products also alleviate the side effects of chemo and radiotherapy.
The Japanese company Teikoko Chemical Industry Co. has already
patented numerous Ling-Zhi ingredients as tumor medications.
Generally, in Asian countries Ling-Zhi is an essential component
of the so-called “Fu-Zeng-Treatment,” the Eastern equivalent
to the occidental immune therapy. Ling-Zhi and certain herbs, as
well as Ginseng, are administered to patients in order to strengthen
their immune system. Hence, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine
the flow of Qi – the flow of life energy – can be balanced.
In classical Chinese Medicine, Ling-Zhi is said to be a remedy
that slows down the aging process – therefore its flowery
name “Divine Mushroom of Immortality.” Even today,
the entire Chinese leadership is said to take this mushroom, which
is understood to be the reason for their proverbial longevity.
Once, It Was More Expensive than Gold.
Because Ling-Zhi’s occurrence is very rare in nature, there
are numerous legends told about it. Once it was more expensive
than gold and, according to old reports, the Chinese emperors sent
out whole fleets in order to find Ling-Zhi. The mushroom’s
power was sung about in poetry and great feasts were celebrated
when one was found. To discover a Ling-Zhi was always deemed to
be a good omen. Yet, the mushroom was not only used for medicine.
It served also a talisman, and in Taoist circles it was a symbol
of immortality. Furthermore, Ling-Zhi was placed over the doorsill
or the bed in order to banish daemons and bad spirits. This eye-catching
mushroom often is kidney-shaped; its surface looks like it has
been painted with a coat of glossy enamel. The most treasured examples,
however, were those that looked like a stag’s antlers. For
such “antler’s mushrooms” huge sums were paid.
This mushroom lignifies when being dried. Then its consistency
looks like cork; its taste is slightly bitter; and it emanates
a pleasantly spicy fragrance. The red Ling-Zhi is said to be the
most curative of all.
In the oldest Chinese book of herbs it is written: “The upper
class of remedies consists of twenty-one kinds, the task of which
is to reign like kings. They preserve human nature and resemble
the sky. They are not poisonous, no matter in which quantity or
perpetuity they are taken. If you wish to relieve and strengthen
your body, if you wish to live long without aging, use this remedy!” The
Ling-Zhi was considered to be the most important medicine – even
more important than the legendary Ginseng.
Active Ingredients
in Ling-Zhi |
Until today there are many ingredients
of Ling-Zhi that have not yet been discovered. Of the ones
discovered, the following are the most notable:
- so far unknown proteins (Glykoproteins), which
are proven to inhibit cancer
- a so far unknown alkaloid, showing a strengthening
effect on the heart
- rare polysaccharides, which are proven to have
a cancer-inhibiting effect
- organic germanium showing the four-fold positive
health effect of germanium found in Ginseng or
garlic (for example, for cancer, rheumatism,
asthma and osteoporosis)
- substances regulating and strengthening the
immune system
- a substance with a strong protecting effect
on the liver (gandosteron)
- and the vitamins B1, B2 and B6, vitamin E,
early forms of vitamin D, voumarin, mannitol
and 15 different trace elements
Surprisingly, this herbal remedy is not well known in the West,
whereas in Asia it is very famous and esteemed: in Japan alone
the actual turnover of Ling-Zhi products and other healing mushrooms
exceeds 770 million U.S. Dollars per year. The explanation is simple:
until some time ago Ling-Zhi was available in limited quantity
only. Only a few years ago this mushroom began to be successfully
and professionally cultivated in large quantities. Since then,
the amount of scientific research on this traditional remedy has
It has been proven by now that, first of all, Ling-Zhi is absolutely
not poisonous and, therefore, may be taken unrestricted in frequency
and quantity. Second, it may prevent from a great number of diseases – even
from cancer – when taken as a daily food supplement. In Asian
grocery stores, Ling-Zhi is mostly offered in form of capsules
or teas. However, both have their disadvantages. Pure Ling-Zhi
tea is of very bitter taste. With capsules, on the other hand,
there is no guarantee that they contain a sufficient amount of
active ingredient.
Proven and tested to be efficient has thus the intake of shredded
mushroom: take one leveled teaspoon a day with some liquid. Shredded
mushroom can also be applied externally. For example, a decoction
of it nurtures and regenerates the facial skin. Because of the
mushroom’s hard cellulose the Ling-Zhi should, however, not
simply be chopped or crushed. Moreover, there are modern procedures
in which the firm mushroom cells become gently disintegrated. This
way, the body is able to absorb the active agents of the Ling-Zhi
Healing Teas with
Ling-Zhi |
In special tea mixtures the effect of
Ling-Zhi and other healing herbs compliment and intensify each
- Tea for migraine and headache: 20 g each of Ling-Zhi,
verbena, Melissa, peppermint, rosemary and 10 g garden
rue. Take 1 teaspoon of this mixture in 1 liter boiling
water and brew for approximately 10 minutes. Drink
three cups daily.
- Stomach tea: 30 g each of Ling-Zhi and Ginger root,
15 g each of calamus and burnet root, 5 g each of wormwood
and juniper berry. Take 1 tablespoon in 1 liter boiling
water, brew for approximately 10 minutes. Drink 1 cup
- Tea for atherosclerosis: 20 g of each mistletoe and
hawthorn and 40 g horsetail. Take 1 teaspoon of
this mixture in 1 liter boiling water. Brew for approximately
10 minutes. Drink 2 – 3 cups daily.
- Meditation tea: 10 g each of Ling-Zhi, mugwort, chicory
and purple loosestrife. Take 1 tablespoon of this mixture
in one cup of boiling water. Brew for approximately
10 minutes. Drink 1 cup one hour before meditation.
Besides its healing and harmonizing influence on the whole organism,
Ling-Zhi is also said to have a psychic and spiritual effect. As
this mushroom balances the Qi in the body, that is the opposing
forces of Yin and Yang, it can also help to reach that equilibrated
state which enables a deep meditation to begin with. In this way
the “sacred mushroom” supports the inner collection
and prepares body and mind for higher levels of awareness.
Author’s contact address:
Ulrich Arndt
79312 Emmendingen–Mundingen
Mail: info@horusmedia.de |